Safeguarding the integrity of this heritage landmark


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Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare-o-Rehua originally opened in 1919 and holds considerable historic and cultural value for Whanganui. Over the past five years, the gallery has undergone major restoration works, including seismic strengthening and the construction of a new wing.

The project:

Maynard Marks was appointed by the main contractor, McMillan & Lockwood, to conduct hygrometer testing of the masonry and concrete – key components of the existing building. This testing was essential for informing the main contractor’s strategy and timing of applying finishes to the ornate plastering following wet drilling.

Our value add:

Our heritage building expertise, coupled with our technical understanding of the hygrometer testing method was pivotal in providing critical information to the main contractor, to ensure a durable plaster finish that would stand the test of time.

In addition to our specific knowledge, we worked in close collaboration with the project team, who had become deeply familiar with the site over five years, including the architect, Warren and Mahoney, who had initially recommended our services.

This collective effort was essential, as the testing took place within a live construction site and needed to be timed to align with periods of highest relative humidity. We worked closely in conjunction with the contractor’s Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP), undertaking testing in staged areas of isolation, ensuring minimal disruption to the broader works.

Ultimately, the moisture levels recorded met acceptable standards, though we recommended additional strategies to further improve conditions and achieve the best possible result. These measures will contribute to the enduring preservation of this iconic building for years to come.