Building Disputes

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Our highly experienced expert witnesses provide reliable, independent and objective advice to help you resolve your property or building dispute.

In addition to providing expert witness services, you can engage us to independently facilitate an expert conferral process to help narrow technical differences between the parties. Or we can provide you with technical expert determination, to get a quick and binding resolution to your dispute. Both of these services help resolve contractual or technical disputes more quickly and cost-effectively.  

With our vast knowledge of property and construction, high professional standards and impartiality, we provide clear and concise technical assessments to help resolve disputes effectively.

Expert witness services we can offer you include: 

  • Architectural design
  • Asbestos consultancy 
  • Building surveying
  • Project management
  • Quantity surveying
  • Structural engineering

Expert Witness

Joint Expert Conferral Process

Expert Determination

If you have a building disputes-related issue or project you'd like to talk to us about, call our Auckland office on T: +64 9 912 2550, Wellington on T: +64 4 282 0650 or Christchurch on T: +64 3 379 1773 or E: