3D Building Scans

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Our 3D imaging and drone scanning services allow us to quickly provide accurate three-dimensional digital twin models of your property, enabling you to virtually walk through and around a building or space from your desktop or mobile device. 

Using the latest high-definition digital twin and drone imagery capture technology, we can create a precise 3D model of your building's interior and exterior, providing a point in time record of its condition and layout. 

As the technology also captures point cloud information, we can create accurate digital plans, which your team can use to produce design documentation or simply to record layout and construction features. 

This is an efficient and quick way to gather information about a property. By using drones, we can access hard-to-reach parts of buildings, such as facades and roof areas, which significantly reduces health and safety risks and the need for expensive access equipment.


  • Accurate plan production (interior and exterior)
  • Advertising and promotional – virtual tours
  • Asset management 
  • Construction project progress reporting 
  • Evidence presentation for legal disputes
  • High rise building façade surveys
  • Insurance – record of loss/damage 
  • Record of condition and layout – in lieu of dilapidation reports or schedules of condition
  • Remote site meetings
  • Roof surveys 
  • Virtual reality walkthroughs
If you have a 3D building scan-related issue or project you'd like to talk to us about, call our Auckland office on T: +64 9 912 2550, Wellington on T: +64 4 282 0650 or Christchurch on T: +64 3 379 1773 or E: office@maynardmarks.co.nz